Overview of the application

Overview of the application

Date picker


The date picker allows you to choose the time range of displayed data, up to one year. This limitation is in place to ensure that the data remains easy to read and comprehend. Selecting a time frame longer than 13 months prompts a message to choose a smaller range. This helps maintain the clarity and usability of the data presentation.


Overall chargeability

This component provides a list view of different information on the types of hours logged by users. The data is displayed based on the chosen time range from the date picker. Most of the data will be shown in week-day-hour format, but if you hover over the data, you will also see the number of hours.

  • Billable hours Hours eligible for compensation, shown in week-day-hour format and as a percentage of total hours logged.

  • Non-billable hours Logged hours for commercial projects not billed to the customer, displayed similarly.

  • Internal hours THours devoted to non-commercial projects, displayed in various formats based on the view:

    • Global and individual view - week-day-hour format and a percentage of total hours logged

    • Project and project member view - week-day-hour format only

  • Missing hours These represent anticipated hours to be logged until the end of the preceding day, subtracted from logged hours up to that point. It shows the time that has already passed but hasn't been logged in Tempo yet, displayed in week-day-hour format and as a percentage of total hours logged.

  • Vacation days All leave days, paid and unpaid, displayed in a week-day-hour format and as a percentage of total hours logged.

  • Capacity Time available for logging by all users within the chosen time range, taking into account their percentage of employment. It always adds up to 100% of the hours listed above, displayed in a week-day-hour format.

This component provides a list view of different information on the types of hours logged by users. The data is displayed based on the chosen time range from the date picker. By default, most of the data will be shown in week-day-hour format. You can also use the toggle “Display time in hours only” to change it to an hourly format.

By default when viewing data spanning more than one month, you will see the total sum of hours logged for each type of activity during the selected time frame. By toggling the “view average” option, you can opt to display the average hours and percentages of logged time across the chosen months instead.

Total hours

Total hours display total available hours within the chosen time range. The first parameter indicates the elapsed hours in the chosen time range (e.g., 32 hours on the 5th working day within the time range). The second parameter signifies the available working hours in this time range, excluding weekends and holidays added to Tempo. It shows the available hours within the chosen working period for an average user working full-time. This component is part if the individual view only, when “view average” option is not toggled.


Main Chart

The chart displays data from the overall chargeability section in a graphical version, allowing for data comparison over time. Below the chart, you will find checkboxes to hide some data for easier analysis.

Bar chart

The chart can show two possible scales for the display of data, with percentages on the left and hours on the right. In the main view, it only shows scale in % as the hourly one is irrelevant in this case due to how we display data. 

Line chart

The pink line chart shows the chargeability level in each month. The solid line shows the level of chargeability past and current month with all logged hours. Additionally, there are dotted and dashed pink lines that show predicted chargeability for the next 3 or 6 months based on average data from the previous 3 months. You can change the prediction period you want to display in the dropdown list below.

  • Predicted chargeability - projected chargeability based on trends from previous months;

  • Maximum Chargeability - maximum achievable chargeability if all non-billable hours were reduced to 0.

Display of the internal hours

You may notice that in the global and individual view, internal time is displayed in hours and percentages (on a bar graph), but in the project and project member view, those are only displayed in hours (on a line graph in black). This intentional design choice is due to the nature of internal hours, which are not directly associated with specific projects. As a result, they cannot show the percentage of time that won't be logged for a project. However, internal hours are still displayed in hours, allowing changes within the amount of internal hours to be visible, which can be of interest to some users.

Project status filter and favourite projects


In the global view, there's a filter that allows you to view specific project types. By default, you will see all projects within the different categories. By adjusting the filter settings, you can decide to view only specific types of projects.


You can mark your projects in the global view as favourites by clicking the star symbol on the project card. Those projects will be automatically displayed at the top of the list in each category. 


You can also tick a box next to the filter that will allow you to display only starred projects and hide all remaining to allow you easier navigation in the tool with the project that you’re interested the most in.


Detailed views: Project, project member, and individual perspectives

In this section, you will be able to see the next detail level for the view. 

Global view:

In this section, you will find all projects grouped by their status. You can mark the project in each of the statuses as your favourites by clicking on the star symbol in the top right corner. You can view details of the specific project by clicking on the “Details” button and moving to the project view. 


Project view:

In this section, you will find user cards for the project. You can view details of the specific user in this project by clicking on the “Details” button and moving to the project member view.


Project Member view:

In this section, you will find user cards for the project. You can view details of the projects the user belongs to. By clicking on the “Details” button, you will be guided to the project member view for the other project.


Individual view

You can navigate to the individual view from the “Find user” option in the left-side navigation bar. You will find more details on how to use it in the “Find user” section. Here you will find cards of the projects the user belongs to. By clicking on “more details,” you will be navigated to the project member view. 

Refresh Data


Data is automatically refreshed when the application is opened on a new day or when changing the time range you view. Use the "Refresh Data" button for the most recent data but avoid excessive use, as it may take up to a minute to reload.